Redding Area PA & NP Alliance

Lobby Day 2012

Posted about 12 years ago by Sandra Bagwell

CANP Lobby Day was held this year on February 28, 2012 in Sacramento. There were three Legislative Priorities to discuss with our State Representatives. I personally met with the State Representatives for our area to discuss these issues. 

  • SB 122 (Senator Curren Price) Grants the BRN authority to be the only agency responsible for approving schools of nursing.  CANP position: supports
  • SB 1501 (Senator Christine Kehoe) Allows nurse practitioners and physician assistants to perform abortions by medication or aspiration techniques. CANP position: No position
  • SB 1524 (Senator Ed Hernandez, O.D.) Deletes the requirement that nurse practitioners complete 6 months of supervised experience before they can "furnish" or order drugs and devices. CANP position: supports

I also discussed with the Representatives or their Aides, the current Medicare requirement for Home Health bill and asked for their support to allow nurse practitioners to sign for Home Health services. 

I encourage everyone next year to attend Lobby Day. This attendance will help each of us participate in our legislative decisions that help us, with our practices and ability to provide care to our patients.